Sunday, September 28, 2008


Today, well yesterday for me, there was an event going on in three cities that was put together by a group called improv everywhere. I believe they got their start in New York and i suppose have a bit of a cult following now. Today they will have a group of people all listening to mp3 players at the same time and place. They will all be following instructions and it will create a happening. I don't know how else to explain it. Anyway I have always been a fan of the musical. At times I have felt the need to break into song. This group did this bit of improv which made me laugh.

I hope you enjoy. go to their website. The thing that i like about the whole process is that it engages people. People stop and react and it is great.

rainy saturday

what a lazy day we have had today. Parrish is recovering from an ear infection and we have had some rain today. so we got out our face paints and here are our results.

just call me ice princess.

super butterfly girl.super me!